Autumn 2024  final

Awards 2025

The 2025 Awards are now open for entries and bookings Up to 300 guests from across the industry gather on the night and everyone can see for themselves the amazing achievements made by our organisations and our people.

Elements Autumn 2024

We hope you all had an enjoyable Summer. Since the last edition of Elements, the team at Chemicals Northwest have been working hard on the 2025 Awards and we will be delighted to launch our awards and dinner sponsors in the next few weeks. 

Chemicals Northwest

Chemicals Northwest is the industry-led, chemical cluster support organisation for the North West and surrounding areas chemical sector, the largest in the UK. We are a funded by our members and owned and supported by the Chemical Industries Association.

We are a membership organisation that supports and promotes the interests and activities of the chemistry-using industries.

Find our more

Focus 2

HMRC - Employer Bulletin: important information for employers


The December edition of the Employer Bulletin brings you all the latest HMRC updates and guidance to support employers, payroll professionals and agents.

CNW at ChemUK


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