
Current Events

Chemicals Northwest hosts and participates in a number of industry-related seminars, workshops and networking events throughout the year, for the benefit of the cluster and the region. We actively encourage all those connected with the chemistry-using industry to come along to these events for an opportunity to hear about key issues relating to the sector and network with others.  


Chemicals Northwest really does bring people together! It is an essential feature of the successful networking strategies used by many organisations as part of on-going business development and marketing. We coordinate a range of meetings and events to enable ‘face to face’ networking for the benefit of all members.

Events that Chemicals Northwest host

Breakfast Networking

With no specific theme, delegates are encouraged to make new contacts and indeed some will make short pitches about their company, its products and services and any other news they may wish to announce! New contacts can lead to new opportunities, which can lead to new business. All are welcome to come along. 

Common Interest Groups

Chemicals Northwest’s Regulation user group has followed closely the developments within this complex and long-term pieces of legislation. The initiative allows the sharing of experience, best practice and knowledge between manufacturing, supply chain and support service providers, all with a keen interest in REACH and current legislations. 

Partner events

We are happy to work in partnership with our member companies putting on seminars and events on topics of interest for the industry.


Awards 2024

Up to 300 guests from across the industry gather on the night and everyone can see for themselves the amazing achievements made by our organisations and our people.

CNW at ChemUK

CNW Events

Find out about our breakfast networking opportunities. With no specific theme, delegates are encouraged to make new contacts and indeed some will make short pitches about their company, its products and services and any other news they may wish to announce.