Policy areas

Responsible Care

Developed by the chemical industry for the chemical industry.


A voluntary initiative, Responsible Care® was developed by the chemical industry for the chemical industry. The UK was one of the first adopters of Responsible Care®, some 30 years ago, and CIA is integral to UK implementation.

Part of our work in this area includes CIA’s Responsible Care® Guiding Principles (revised in 2017) that are a condition of membership and must be signed by the senior management of our member companies. Our Principles serve to implement Responsible Care® at site level and correlate well with the International Council of Chemical Associations’ (ICCA’s) Global Charter.


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Responsible Care Guiding Principles

To join, all members must commit to the principles of Responsible Care. Members will have the opportunity to display the Responsible Care logo on their website and other material.

Safeguarding chemical businesses in a changing climate

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Chemsafe is the UK chemical industry’s voluntary scheme for providing expert advice to the emergency services in the event of a chemical emergency. The scheme is designed to deliver a rapid and co-ordinated response following a chemical incident in order to minimise the risks to people, the environment, assets and reputation. Funded by the Department for Transport and Chemicals Industries Association, the National Chemical Emergency Centre (NCEC) delivers the Level 1 emergency response component of Chemsafe through a 365/24/7 dedicated telephone number provided only to the emergency services and other nominated organisations. To help operate this critical service, NCEC maintain a confidential database of company and product information (contact details and safety data sheets) supplied voluntarily by industry. In addition to this, NCEC provides training to emergency services in hazardous materials response and how to use the Chemsafe scheme.

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