Our focus

Net Zero

The chemical industry’s products and technologies will provide the foundation for net zero. We create the advanced materials that seed new low-carbon industries and drive green growth in the UK. 

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The journey for our sector is not a new one. It has already seen us reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by over 80% since 1990. But the transition does not stop here. Taking 2018 as our base year, a huge collective effort will be required to halve our remaining CO2 emissions by 2034 and to further reduce them by 90% by 2050. This will require us building on our energy efficiency progress, enabling circularity, but above all, access to hydrogen, carbon capture and storage and clean electricity.

The past three decades have seen the UK chemical industry reduce its greenhouse gas footprint by over 80%, predominantly through fuel-switching, emissions abatement and energy efficiency , but also through loss of production. Now the task for the next three decades is transforming how we produce, all whilst remaining globally competitive. 

Whether it’s through advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells to enable more sustainable mobility, insultation materials to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings or the technological solutions to facilitate the recycling of materials, the CIA will continue to work with the chemical sector and government to do all it can in leading the world’s response to the huge challenges presented by climate change. 


Our Route to Net Zero film series

CIA partnered with ITN Productions Industry News to produce a news-style programme exploring how the chemical industry is at the forefront of the new revolution to make products sustainable, vital in helping the UK achieve its net zero target by 2050.

Watch the series >


A Diverse Sector 

Our sector is diverse, with businesseses at different stages of their own journeys and our response to climate mitigation continues to evolve. A adaptation of chemical business sites and their operations to minimise the risks from projected climate-related severe weather impacts can also make a significant contribution to meeting net zero targets and requires action now to protect businesses. 


Industry Commitments



Striving towards sustainability leadership in everything we do. 

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Reducing our carbon footprint and increasing sustainable innovation. 

Solar panels and wind power generation equipment

Dow Chemical

Accelerating our sustainability commitments

Be part of it 

Members are invited to get involved with various net zero networks and issue teams, which include the Energy and Climate Change Policy and Net Zero Council sub group

For further information, or to express an interest in joining, please contact Nishma Patel at or Rich Woolley at

Find out more

Delivering Solutions
Supply chain challenges are not only holding back growth, but threaten to slow down progress against the UK’s net zero commitments and levelling up ambitions.
Reducing CO2 Icon
Reducing CO2
Member companies of the CIA have stated its collective ambition to halve direct emissions by 2034 and further reduce them by 90% by 2050.
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Efficient technology
Helping to reduce our resilience on fossil fuel for power and heating through the development of efficient technology for green and blue hydrogen and associated carbon capture, storage and utilisation.
Sustainable Icon
The chemical industry is committed to delivering more sustainable solutions for a cleaner, greener society.
Low carbon Icon
Low carbon
We have an important role to play in moving to low carbon economies – providing coatings for solar panels, lightweight plastics to reduce vehicles’ energy consumption and insulating materials for buildings.
Innovation Icon
It is through our industry’s innovation and technology that will allow other companies and sectors to decarbonise, deliver the UK’s net zero ambitions and ultimately, combat climate change.
EV Batteries Icon
EV Batteries
Helping the UK become a global leader in technology and supply of EV batteries.


Navigating Net zero image

Navigating Net Zero

The journey to net zero began over three decades ago for the chemicals sector, seeing a reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions by over 80% since 1990.



Tackling climate change through chemistry 

The chemical industry is at the forefront of the net zero revolution. Find out about our formula for success and learn from our member case studies showing how companies are achieveing net zero and improving everyday lives. 

Find out more >


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