In this issue: 

  • Details on how to book your place at our upcoming Chemical Industry Awards 15 June 
  • Using CIA’s Sustainable Health Metrics Indicator Tools 
  • New Associate Members join CIA 

The Conservatives have had five leaders in six years. How might 2023 unfold for Rishi Sunak?

Welcome to the Spring Edition of CIAMatters. I hope that this year will, at the very least, be a more stable one than 2022 and hopefully successful too for you and for your businesses. 

Last year was tough on many fronts, there is an ongoing war in Europe which plunged the region into an energy crisis, the UK experienced doubledigit inflation which has delivered the biggest hit to real household income in over 50 years, and China’s zero-covid policy subdued global demands and slowed supply chains. Not to mention it was also a year of huge political instability. The Conservatives have had five leaders in six years. Last year alone we had three Prime Ministers, four Chancellors and three Business Secretaries around the Cabinet table. The fact is, 2023 does not promise to be easy, with many of the challenges faced in 2022 ongoing, as well as new ones emerging.

Our latest business survey demonstrates not only the significant challenge of the business climate but also the adverse impact of Government policy. The chemical industry saw a sharp decline in sales in the last quarter of 2022. Action is needed from Government in 2023, especially in response to US’ Inflation Reduction Act, to convince international investors that the UK is a place to do business.

In this edition you can read about the work we have done during Q1 of 2023 including CIA’s focus over the coming months, new associate members and details of our upcoming Chemical Industry Awards event on 15th June 2023. 

I would like to thank all our member companies for the work that you do for our sector and for the time and resource you commit to working with us on the collective industry-wide agenda. As ever we are always grateful for your feedback on any part of our work including CIAMatters itself. Please let Simon know your views on how we can make the magazine as useful as we can for you, particularly when gaining information about the work we do across the policy areas we are involved in. We look forward to working with you throughout 2023.

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