Latest Economic Reports
Economic Reports
CIA Economic Report: Second Quarter 2024
Q2 2024 was the second consecutive quarter of expansion after 18 months of contractions. Challenges remain for the sector including the cost of energy and the price of raw materials, both of which are up to four times more expensive than competitor countries.
Economic Reports
CIA Economic Report: First Quarter 2024
Q1 2024 was the first quarter of expansion in 18 months. Sales, production levels, and capacity utilisation expanded for 50% of respondents and were all above expectations made in Q4 2023.
Economic Reports
CIA Economic Report: Second Quarter 2023
The second quarter brought additional strain to chemical producers as more contractions in sales were reported. Most respondents experienced a decrease in input and energy costs from the previous quarter, but output prices also decreased.
Economic Reports
CIA Economic Report: Third Quarter 2023
This report has two sections. The first is a CIA analysis of government data via the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This section assesses the UK chemical industry’s performance against that of the wider economy and is followed by a look at what challenges lie ahead. The second section presents ...
Economic Reports
CIA Economic Report: First Quarter 2023
It was clear that after a challenging end to 2022, the first quarter of 2023 did not bring substantial relief to chemical businesses as a third of members experienced further contractions in sales.